Construction of requests

Start with the base URL[format]/

and join the query parameters like this:


Possible output formats:

Name Description Possible values Default value optional
format Output format iframe, geojson or csv no


Shown geodata

You can influence the query result with the following parameters:

Name Description Possible values Default value optional
term Search term URL encoded string yes
address Address URL encoded string consisting of comma seperated address elements yes
org FAU.ORG number integer with up to ten digits yes
famos Building number integer with up to five digits yes
bbox Bounding box Longtitude 1,Latitude 1,Longtitude 2,Latitude 2 yes

Design of the resulting map

The format iframe returns a dynamic map generated by Leaflet. You can influence the presentation of this map with the following attributes:

Name Description Possible values Default value optional
desc Description normal or verbose. verbose additionally shows FAU.ORG number and building number in the popup normal yes
center Center of the map Latitude,Longtitude yes
zoom Zoom level 1-19 yes
zoomcontrol Standard zoom control, Zoomslider or off on, slider or off on yes
layercontrol Layer control on or off off yes
layer Embedded layers Comma separated list of names or integers. A diagram of all available layers is to be found at the Map generator. RRZE,RRZE.DE,Esri.WorldImagery,Bayern,Erlangen,Stamen.Toner,OpenTopoMap,Wikimedia yes
cluster Breaks down the results in groups with the MarkerCluster plugin for Leaflet on or off on yes
geolocation Shows a control to geolocate the user with the plugin Leaflet.Locate. on or off off yes
searchcontrol Adds a search input to the map. on (equivalent to term), address, org, famos or off off yes

Output format

Format geojson returns GeoJSON.

iframe returns an iFrame.


You can use the map generator to create various maps or GeoJSON data.
